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With the rise of hybrid schedules, remote jobs, and scattered teams, many knowledge workers today have come to expect autonomy in the workplace. Fewer meetings. Less chitchat around the water…

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — The Philippine Financial Industry Pride (PFIP) unveiled its 2024 LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusion Report on April 30 at the University of the Philippines (UP) School of Statistics Auditorium in Diliman,…

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The new year is a time for resetting and reflecting on the year ahead. And for many of us, our careers can be a big pain point or a confusing…

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We often ask it without thinking when we meet new people: “What do you do?” For those of us who are driven toward professional success, we answer with great enthusiasm. In…

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Young employees are unhappier at work than any other generation. Here are the two things they want. Gen Z workers just want two things out of a job: a good…

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Before the world was crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic, society was busy rising early in the morning to commute to the workplace and spending up to nine hours at the…

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