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Original Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ruthblatt/2014/01/10/sick-of-sports-why-rock-bands-are-a-better-metaphor-for-work-teams/?sh=681444fb78d7 Sports teams are the canonical metaphor for teamwork. We try to “pick winners” to score “slam dunks.” Team leaders “coach” team members and then “send in heavy hitters”…

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Read original article: https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/5-ways-to-feel-more-passionate-about-your-work-even-if-its-not-your-dream-job In my senior year of high school, I thought my passion was writing. I wanted to write every day for the rest of my life. Fast-forward years…

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Read original article: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/358985 Humans are a social species. In fact, whether you have realized it or not, we need each other to survive. Because of this, it’s no surprise…

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Read original article:  https://www.thejobnetwork.com/successful-women-share-their-best-career-advice/ Everyone—women, men, old, young—can use some guidance in their careers. Mentorship has long been established as a huge difference-maker, especially for people just starting out or people…

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Read original article: https://www.vault.com/blogs/workplace-issues/can-specializing-too-early-hurt-your-career The sure way to career success is to settle on an area of specialization as soon you can and then engage in that specialization as often…

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Read original article: https://www.vault.com/blogs/networking/networking-tips-when-you-don-t-have-a-big-network   One of the biggest challenges job seekers face today is not having strong relationships at their target companies. These relationships are important because they provide information, resources, and…

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